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About Us

Why choose Flips? Because we know online marketing and promotions!

Toonline Corporation specializes in planning and providing online promotion ideas and marketing solutions that best fit your business or organization.

Name Toonline Corporation, Co., Ltd.
Representative Shinji Akiyama, Representative Director
Address AI Building Kayabacho 3F, 1-6-12 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033
Phone +81(0)3-6410-4475
Fax +81(0)3-3534-0545
Clients Nomura Research Institute、iJTB、NS FaFa Japan, and more

Representative Director Profile

Shinji Akiyama
Shinji Akiyama

Representative Director of Toonline Corporation, Co., Ltd. Born in Ehime, Japan, in 1973. After working in IT for several years, Akiyama became a founder of an online marketing agency that specialized in internet marketing strategies for convenience store franchises. At the company, he engaged in planning, building, and operation of web services that tactfully integrated online and in-store experiences together.
Utilizing the experience and knowledge he gained of sales and promotion tactics of convenience store franchises, he began working on planning, building, and operation of web services for small businesses. Akiyama's new enterprise, Toonline Corporation, specializes in internet marketing solutions and promotion ideas to brick-and-mortar businesses that wish to expand their arenas.

Our Visions

  • Let every business owner be the first one to spread the word on their business.

    The internet is filled with all kinds of information. Sometimes it's hard to tell what is true. We believe the most reliable information about a business comes from someone who knows the business the best--its owner! It is our mission to help every business owner become the primary source of information so they can directly send out messages to their customers and clients.

  • Share and make it affordable.

    A website does not need to be all custom-made. It can easily cost a grand if you try to create everything from scratch. At Flips, we don't believe sharing certain features or designs makes a website any less original. We strive to make it more affordable by offering many features and themes that can be shared and customized.

  • Make the latest internet marketing strategies accessible to everyone.

    The world of internet marketing changes rapidly. Things are growing complex day by day. To provide effective marketing strategies, it's essential to stay up-to-date. Through Flips, we wish to create an environment where anyone can access and utilize the latest internet marketing strategies and promotions ideas.


Flips was built with assistance of Murashiki, Co., Ltd. (

3 Reasons Flips Is So Affordable

  • We know who it's for!

    Getting custom-made designs and fancy features can be costly. We keep it simple, providing only essential features to create business websites. We also make it cheaper by providing themes and features that fit for various business types.

  • It's all DIY!

    There's no need to pay expensive fees to web design companies to create a website. Our website builder is easy to use and offers features that help you create a professional-looking website even if you're new to web-making. With Flips, it's all DIY possible!

  • We're a small team!

    The Flips website is designed so we can operate it by very few staff members. A smaller team means less cost. Less cost means more affordable pricing. But let us assure you that we do have enough staff to provide you committed customer support!

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